Thursday, November 6, 2008

James Cameron's Avatar To Arrive In Imax 3-D

Variety reports James Cameron's new epic will get special Imax 3-D treatment.

Imax Corp. and 20th Century Fox have pacted to release James Cameron's Christmas 2009 tentpole "Avatar" on Imax 3-D screens at the same that it opens in conventional 3-D theaters.

Fox said deal allows "Avatar" to be released in all available theatrical formats.

"Our goal with 'Avatar' is to revolutionize live-action 3-D moviemaking, and I have no doubt that it will look and sound incredible in Imax 3-D," Cameron said in endorsing the move.

Cameron and Jon Landau's Lightstorm Entertainment are producing the big-budget tentpole, which unspools in theaters Dec. 19.

Fox prexy of distribution Bruce Snyder said showing "Avator" in Imax theaters gives the consumer the entire spectrum of choice.

This summer, many people saw Warner Bros.' "The Dark Knight" both in regular theaters and in Imax locations.

Next year brings a multitude of 3-D releases, in addition to "Avatar," although there still aren't enough digital 3-D screens in conventional theaters to sustain that amount of product.

The Dark Knight in Imax was breathtaking so I can't even grasp the immersive experience when 3-D is added. I hope Cameron can finish the film in time, but I will gladly wait until he is completely done with the landmark epic.

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